Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday May 20, 2007
Free International Cardiology Internet Congress

Registration to participate in the the Fifth Virtual Congress of Cardiology - QCVC, organized by the Argentine Federation of Cardiology - is now open. The Congress will take place from September 1st to November 30th, 2007. The Argentine Federation of Cardiology - FAC organizes every two years, International Congresses of Cardiology by the Internet. They are characterized by a high scientific level and low cost for participants.

In last Virtual Congress of Cardiology (2005) 18,185 registrants from 128 countries participated. Access to the Fifth Virtual Congress of Cardiology will be made by a simple connection to the Internet. The lectures, reports, abstracts and brief communications will be published in Web pages. Opinions and questions will be sent by e-mail to discuss the respective forums and there will be on-line discussions in real time by scheduled chats. Everything that is treated in the Congress will remain permanently published on the Web. The Newsletter (Spanish, Portuguese, and English) will be edited weekly and sent to all the registrants throughout the three months of the Congress.

here to register or visit

Congress will have 21 thematic Units
  • Arrhythmias and Electrophysiology
  • Basic Research
  • Bioengineering - Medical Informatics
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Cardiovascular Interventionism
  • Cardiovascular Nursing
  • Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  • Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Cerebral and Peripheral Vascular Diseases
  • Chagas' Disease
  • Echocardiography
  • Epidemiology and Cardiovascular Prevention
  • Genetics
  • Heart Failure
  • Hypertension
  • Ischemic Heart Disease
  • Nuclear Cardiology
  • Pediatric Cardiology
  • Sports Cardiology
  • Technicians in Cardiology
  • Transdisciplinary Cardiology